
Saturday, April 21, 2012

A Fitting Name

If I could, I would spend more hours of the day than not cooking and baking away in my kitchen.  I do spend a  lot of time in the kitchen, much more than gets a blog post of the results.  I figure you're not going to want to see everything that I eat, especially since I can eat almost the same things every day.  I don't want to bore you, and I like to share the things that are new to me.

But yesterday I had leftovers for dinner.  I know, I know...there is very little exciting about leftovers, you're thinking.  And I am inclined to agree with you, but it wasn't about being exciting.  It was about a suitable name. You know that I am hoping to have a food-based business up and running sometime in the future.  (The future defined as later this year.)  The name is Semplice Gourmet...'semplice' is Italian for 'simple,' and it really does define how I feel about cooking.  Not boring, but good, simple, and delicious.  I am not one for fancy foods, or eating at 3-star Michelin rated restaurants.  Mind you, had someone offered me a trip to Spain and a seat at El Bulli, I would not have turned it down, but I am the kind of person who loves a good old-school Italian restaurant and likes to seek out a secret neighbourhood diner where they have a killer patty melt.

So I made some lentils the other day.  Do you have any idea what one cup of dried lentils produces?  A whole lot of cooked lentils.  Lentils for days and days and days...on top of a spinach salad, with sauteed mushrooms on top of polenta, and what turned into a very simple dinner the other night:  with orzo, zucchini, tomatoes, red peppers and a sprinkling of shredded mozzarella.  Even the vegetables were leftover from the previous night's  dinner.

Semplice...if only everything in life was just as easy.

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