
Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Fresh Start...2012

A new year...bright, shiny and full of possibilities.  I am happy that 2011 is behind us.  For me, personally, it was an unsatisfactory year.  I know I'm responsible for what did and didn't happen and I was thinking about that a lot in the last days of December.  I'm going to finally get out of my own way.  No more holding myself back and selling myself short.

So here we are...5 days in and the wheels in my head are spinning.  I have to make things change this year because no one else is going to do it for me, and it's time to stop exerting energy on what doesn't move me forward.  It's time to take Kat Cooks Bakes Eats and Semplice Gourmet to new levels.

Here's to a new year...of success, happiness, and good food.

...and Red Velvet Shorbread for good measure

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