
Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sometimes I think....

...I have a problem with, I'm not anorexic or bulimic...never have been...believe me, I remember the days as a little girl shopping for clothes in the Girls' 'Husky' department at Sears...matching top and bottom sets of polyester...hmmm...there's a tangent to pursue on another day....

....I try to budget....god knows you have to these days...I also tend to forget that I'm buying food for one person....yet I'll come home...unpack my groceries....look at the shelves in my fridge and think...'what the fuck?...can you possibly eat all that food in less than a week?'...thankfully, most times it's a resounding 'yes'...this is because:  1.  I don't have a ton of disposable income; and 2.  I really dislike spending money on food or snacky kind of stuff (restaurants are okay...though that rarely happens these days).

...I am always looking for recipes online...and sometimes I just make things up as I go...I'm going to share what came out of the kitchen today...for dinner, it was through a smoky I wish I had a range hood...this hole in the ceiling is just weird to me.... looks like fried tastes like fried chicken...and I guess it kind of is...though I only used a tablespoon of olive oil and a lot more of TJ's Olive Oil cooking spray...I made my own bread crumbs yesterday (did I mention I hate wasting anything??) and wanted to use onions that I sauted then added back to the pan after the chicken was done and I had added the remainder of a bottle of Malbec and orange was good...though I should have used a thickener...see espresso cup...because it's not coffee in there!...oh and those are black lentils with carmelized onions and in point about cooking and being single...I made two cups of lentils the other night....I should have adjusted...have you ANY idea how much that made????...days worth of leftovers!

....the last photo is lunch...hard-boiled egg on Barbari with sauted spinach and bacon...because bacon makes everything better...

1 comment:

  1. In the words of a great chef..."...pork fat rules!"
